Wonder Woman & DC's Rebirth
The (latest) reboot of DC's universe, called Rebirth, is designed to gear their comics more towards their new cinematic universe. It was only a few years ago that we rode the emotional rollercoaster of the New 52 relaunch, so most DC fans have been waiting for details with great anticipation. Finally the time for answers came at WonderCon this last weekend.
Lots of changes are coming! Old characters are returning, new characters are being added, and the inevitable costume redesigns are happening. Titans is a new book (not replacing Teen Titans) with a more mature cast of characters, including the reunion of Donna Troy and Nightwing as teammates. Batgirl & the Birds of Prey has an all-female creative team, and I'm digging Huntress' redesign by Yanick Paquette. Superwoman is adding a new female character to DC's lineup and will be headed by Phil Jimenez, one of my all-time favorite Wonder Woman artists. And speaking of Wonder Woman...
SHE GOT THE DREAM TEAM!!! I am so excited!
Greg Rucka is going to return to DC as the writer for Wonder Woman. He wrote Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia, one of the best Wonder Woman stories of all time. The Hiketeia completely nailed the conflict between Diana's roles as an ambassador, hero, and leader of an ancient culture living in the modern world. He spent three years successfully writing Wonder Woman's regular comic and it was a huge success. Based on his previous runs, I am totally confident that Rucka can lay a great foundation for Wonder Woman by incorporating elements from her comic book history and new additions from the cinematic universe. He also wore a Hamilton hoodie on stage at WonderCon! Just when I thought he couldn't get cooler...
Veteran artist Nicola Scott will be returning to draw the Amazon Princess. You may have heard my squee of joy all the way from WonderCon at this news, because I'm a HUGE fan of her work. Her Diana is athletic, capable, beautiful, and expressive. Scott's panels show a woman who can comfort a child in one moment and then go toe-to-toe with Superman the next. It's a challenging task and Scott has proven herself many times over with her work on Wonder Woman, Secret Six, Birds of Prey, and Earth 2. She has also successfully partnered with Greg Rucka on Blackest Night: Wonder Woman, and Black Magick #1 by Image Comics. They both seem to have a talent for creating strong female characters, and I can't wait to see how their partnership works on a longer run of Wonder Woman.

Liam Sharpe will be partnering with Scott to bring Diana's image to life on the page. His resume is Marvel-heavy, but he has done work for DC with both Superman and Batman. He isn't an artist that I've followed before, but when I saw the images he created for Wonder Woman I was blown away. His art reflects the iconic images from George Perez' run of the Amazon princess but with a more modern style. I love that he draws Diana in a way that exudes confidence and strength.
This team will be taking a unique approach to Wonder Woman with two storylines running simultaneously. Odd-numbered issues will be done by Rucka and Sharpe, and will tell the adventures of Diana in the present day. The even-numbered issues will be created by Rucka and Scott and will describe Wonder Woman's origins approximately ten years in the past. Two Wonder Woman comics will come out a month, one from each timeline.
Rucka reportedly has plans for at least 24 issues, so we should be able to enjoy his work for at least the next year. After the disappointment of Meredith and David Finch’s takeover of the series, it's good to know that Diana will be in trusted hands.
I made it safely back from Scotland! I had an amazing time, saw beautiful places, drank too much, and lost a few pounds (haha... get it... they use the UK pound.... sorry). I have several great posts in the works and am ready to catch up, but first...
I will be attending Wondercon on Friday only, due to Renaissance Faire obligations. I'll be dressed as Wonder Woman at a convention for the first time since 2011! My armor is all polished and my golden lasso is ready!
For those of you who haven't attended WonderCon, it's a wonderful event and I highly recommend it to old-school convention lovers. It's growing fast, but is usually compared to SDCC before it became the pop-sensation that it is today. It's much smaller than SDCC and that leads to really great interactions between fans, creators, artists, cosplayers, and staff. The parking can still be difficult, but it's do-able and there are probably even hotels still available in the area if you decide you want to head down there this weekend. It's also right down the street from Disneyland, so it's a great weekend destination for the whole family or Disney-lovers. The convention even arranged discounted Disney tickets for convention attendees!
For all my panel-loving friends, I highly suggest attending The Psychology of Star Trek vs. Star Wars, Friday at 1:30pm. Dr. Andrea Letamendi, you may know her as the Huntress from my Steampunk DC group, is an amazing panelist and is sure to make a great case for Star Wars! Brian Ward, the steampunk Green Arrow and copper-working genus, is going to be refereeing... er... moderating the discussion.
I hope to see you there! Follow me @GoldenLassoGirl to find me or to get in touch!
Hollywood & Heroes Charity Event
The Emerald Knights comic and game shop is hosting a huge event this Sat, June 9th from 12pm to 7pm. The event supports the Shriner's Hospital for Children, so join us for the fun and some good karma. It will be a day of games, signings, photo opps, and much more! Lots of geek-famous actors will be there, including members of The Guild, and over 40 cosplayers, including myself! There are also items being auctioned off on the EK auction page.
I will be dressed as Wonder Woman all afternoon. I will also be playing in some RPGs, spreading word about the Happy Jack's RPG podcast, posing for pictures, and visiting with everyone. Rumor has it that I may also be running a DC themed Wild Talents game...
I hope to see a lot of familiar faces on Saturday! More info can be found on the Emerald Knights website, or by contacting the shop.
RPG Podcast Listener Survey
The 2012 RPG Podcast Lister Survey is up! Please visit rpgpolls.com to fill it out. This information is very useful to podcast hosts and gives great information on the demographics of our audience members. It should take you less than 5 minutes to fill out and doesn't ask for any personal contact information.
The 2011 survey gave us some very interesting information about RPG podcast listeners. According to last year's statistics, RPG podcast listeners are between the ages of 26 and 29. 51% of them are married and over 66% use iTunes to download their podcasts. D&D was still the most popular gaming system of listeners, but had dropped 2.3% while other systems such as Savage Worlds and GURPS gained ground. Overall, listeners spent an average of $621.92 on RPGs and gaming in 2011. Women made up only 6% of respondents in last years survey, however the actual number of women who took the survey increased.
Happy Jacks RPG Podcast did very well in the 2011 survey. Over 27% of the gamers surveyed listened to our podcast!! We actually ranked 3rd in the list of top 20 RPG podcasts! Most surprising of all, Happy Jack's was the favorite RPG podcast of women who took the survey. Over 33% of the women who completed the survey listened to our podcast! This makes me very happy, since I am a huge proponent of women in gaming.
I am eagerly looking forward to the results of the 2012 survey! Please share this info with your gamer friends! The more respondents, the more accurate the data will be!
Huzzah! Ren Faire has Arrived!!
The Southern California Renaissance Faire opened this weekend. It was the largest opening day in the faire's 50 year history. Yep, this year is the 50th anniversary of this faire!
I have been performing at Southern for over a decade now and this was by far the best opening weekend I've ever had. Our shows went wonderfully, our new t-shirts sold well, and our new songs were well received by the audience. Most importantly, my new funny drinking song had the audience laughing in all the right places. You never can tell what the audience will find funny. I've written songs that I thought were brilliant that didn't even earn as much as a cricket chirp from the audience, so it's always very rewarding when they enjoy a song. I'll be writing more verses in the next week to perform next weekend.
I'm very happy about our new t-shirts, which were designed by yours truly and the amazingly talented Sam Balcomb. The rooster one debuted last year, but the swallow shirts are brand new. Both were inspired by some very funny songs that we perform.
I have a few days to rest up between weekends. You know it's faire season when going to work on Monday morning seems easy compared to wearing 4 layers of clothing (including a bodice) and singing full volume in the sun on a 90 degree day. Yes, I have an insane hobby... but it's fun! If you haven't been to the renaissance faire before, you should go! It's a totally unique experience.