Like many Zatanna cosplays, this outfit was more an adventure in finding pieces and altering them, rather than creating things from scratch. I had already begun work on my Wonder Woman cosplay for San Diego Comic-Con 2011, but was worried that my intricate design may not be finished in time. Zatanna was my Plan B, although I ended up so pleased with it that I wore it in addition to Wonder Woman. I love this character and have plans for continued improvements on this look.

I found the frock coat for $12 at my local Goodwill store and tailored it to fit me well. I adjusted a shirt and corset that I already owned to give the proper look. The hat was the most difficult part, and I am not completely happy with how it looked. I will be looking for a good quality replacement before I wear this cosplay again.

**This costume was created before I started my blog. Sorry that I didn’t document its creation! Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!**

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